Research Projects
Research involves endless investigating and reshaping of the scientific questions posed. The strength of my research lies in the breadth and depth of the computational and experimental approaches I utilize in understanding the mechanisms that drive the systems I am studying. Find more about my research projects below.
Convergent Evolution in Extremophytes for Salt Tolerance
The halophyte community is ecologically and phylogenetically highly diverse, but halophytic plants have convergently evolved. A considerable number of studies have been done to identify the genes which are responsible for this adaptation. But those studies are limited to one or a few species at a time. Thus, there is a lack of understanding of how this highly diverse group of plants achieved the same trait throughout evolution. My project is focused to fill this knowledge gap by revealing the genomic level convergence in halophytes to understand their adaptive mechanism for salt tolerance.

Functional Responses to High Salinity in Schrenkiella parvula
This project aims to investigate how Schrenkiella parvula, a plant species, responds to high salinity levels. Specifically, two types of responses are being studied: metabolic and physiological. The metabolic response being studied is the accumulation of reactive oxygen species, which are known to be produced when plants experience stress. The physiological response being studied is the changes in photosynthesis-related parameters, which are important for the plant's ability to produce energy through photosynthesis.
By investigating both the metabolic and physiological responses, this project aims to uncover how these two responses are connected and how they contribute to the plant's overall ability to tolerate high salinity. Understanding these responses can provide valuable insights into the mechanisms that allow plants to survive under stress and could have important implications for agriculture and environmental management.
Analyzing protein-protein interaction
networks are vastly beneficial in studying
developmental phenotypes, because
a phenotype is an outcome of several
interacting proteins. PPI networks can
be analyzed to identify modules and get
a global understanding of important proteins governing the phenotypes.
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